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Bring the new year with a healthy new lifestyle with these health and fitness motivation tips.

Let’s be real, 2020 and 2021 have been a difficult one for everyone. It’s taken a tole on our finances, our happiness and our health. But it’s time to put 2021 behind us and start off 2022 on the right foot with these health and fitness motivation tips.
Here’s how stay motivated:
Believe in Yourself
When I turned 40, my twin sister and I signed ourselves up for our very first Triathlon. Although I am an avid runner, I didn’t know how to swim. Yikes right?
To start, I gave myself a whole year to train by signing myself up for swimming lessons, got in the pool and learned to swim laps.
I did lots of research on how to train for a triathlon and signed up with a local tri clinic to learn the basics and then I practiced, practiced and practiced.
Also, I bought a bike, and not a racing bike but a hybrid bike that I thought would be more useful afterwards.
Then, I jumped in with both feet in my triathlon training. I believed I could, and I did! So, that’s the story behind my motivational gym poster.
Grab a copy from my shop or from my Etsy shop, download it, print it, frame it, put it on the wall where you will see it every day. Make it your affirmation for the year! Set yourself a big goal, you can do it.

Schedule & Plan Your Workouts
Life is busy. If we don’t carve out specific time to workout, it’s not likely to happen. That’s why you need to have have a solid plan.
I’m a mom of 2 boys, who has a regular full-time job outside the home, and on my “spare time” I like to paint, blog and create printables, oh, and I like to run and workout too! I know the importance of planning time to workout, and planning the workouts too.
That’s why I created these two Health & Fitness planners. I’m sure you’ll find them very useful help you carve out time to work out and get you motivated. Again, they are available on my shop here on Twin Bees, or from my Etsy Shop.

I like to workout during my lunch hour when possible. Read these 5 Tips for a Successful Lunch Time Workout
Want more motivation to workout? Use these 7 ways to Stay Motivated To Workout.
Reward Yourself
Training for something big is hard work. Hard work you should be extremely proud of. Reward your big and small achievements. Here’s how I like to celebrate my small and big wins:
- Hot bath with bubbles or bath bombs
- A glass wine
- A nap
- Nice breakfast
- At-home Spa day
- Buy a song for your playlist
- A massage
It’s time to throw 2021 and all your bad habits out the window, and start 2022 on the right foot. Just remember these health and fitness motivation tips; believe in yourself, plan ahead and celebrate your wins, big and small.

Motivational Gym Art Sweaty is the New Sexy$4.00
Health & Fitness Planner, Fitness Planner PDF, Fitness Planner Printable, digital fitness planner, printable fitness planner, food planner$5.00
Health & Fitness Planner, Fitness Planner PDF, Fitness Planner Printable, digital fitness planner, printable fitness planner, food planner$4.50
I love that your rewards are simple and not food motivated! I always have trouble rewarding myself for a job well done!
Yes! And rewarding yourself is so important. And motivating.
Love these tips!
I love your list of rewards. I personally make sure to book a massage once a month. Thanks for sharing!